Call a Bike for Business
We'll mobilise your employees, provide you with a bikesharing fleet or help you get your marketing message rolling.
Become a customer nowEco-friendly mobility for businesses
Call a Bike is Deutsche Bahn's bikesharing scheme covering all of Germany. It's one of Germany's largest and most successful. Roughly a million customers are already using it, mostly in their leisure time. But with Call a Bike for Business, businesses can also put this cleanest means of transport to work for them by giving their employees access to over 14,500 bikes for hire. We can even set up dedicated stations for your business. Who says climate-friendly mobility is purely a private matter, anyway?
Five business options for your company
1. Business flatrate
Grant your employees access to Call a Bike as a corporate benefit.
2. Corporate Fleet
Set up your own fleet of bikes for your employees.
3. Corporate Station
Set up one or more Call a Bike stations on or in front of your company grounds.
4. Business University
Let the students at your university use Call a Bike at a discounted rate.
5. Co-Branding
Put your marketing message on our bikes and take your brand on tour.
1. Call a Bike Business flatrate
Starting at EUR 6.00 per person per year, your employees gain round the clock access to Call a Bike bikes. That applies everywhere in Germany for both business and private use.
The plan can apply to one or all your company sites — it's your decision how we calculate the price.
Mobility bonus for employees
- Quick to set up and simple to calculate
- Mobility consulting,
- Starting at EUR 6.00 per employee per year
- 30 minutes of every trip are free of charge
Interested in Business flatrate?
Request an offer2. Call a Bike Corporate Fleet
The bike fleet for your employees
If you would like us to, we will set up a bike fleet you can call your own and which is exclusively for your company.
That comes with a number of bikes with permanent docks on your company grounds.
It will allow your employees to stay mobile even during business hours while being flexible, sustainable and healthy.
Interested in Corporate Fleet?
Request an offer3. Call a Bike Corporate Station
The bike station for your company
In all cities where Call a Bike is already present, we'll be happy to provide you with an additional station near your company upon request to
help your employees make it to work quickly and comfortably.
Visitors will have easier access to your site, as well, since corporate stations are generally available to all Call a Bike customers.
To ensure bikes are always available, we offer an optional daily restocking service for stations.
Interested in Corporate Station?
Request an offer4. Call a Bike Business University
Bike mobility for students
If you work for a university or other institute of higher learning or for the student committee, do you want to provide your students with bike-based mobility? If so, then you've come to the right place.
In all places with bikesharing schemes from the Call a Bike family, students can hire bikes at attractive rates and use them throughout Germany.
One principle always applies: The first 60 minutes of every trip don't cost a thing.
More about Call a Bike Business University
Contact us nowThe advantages of Business flatrate, Fleet, Corporate Station & University
5. Brand our bikes with your message!
Our bikes are always rolling to places where a lot of people are gathered. Could there be any better vehicle for your advertising message?
From Berlin to Frankfurt or Munich: Just put the message you want to spread on the cargo rack, the seat cover and the advertising space under the saddle of our Call a Bike bikes. There are three attractive rates to choose from.
Interested in Co-Branding?
Request an offer
If you're with us, you're for the environment
When you opt to leave your car parked and take more trips by bike, you are actively doing your part to defend the environment,
which is why Call a Bike is part of Deutsche Bahn's Group-wide This is Green campaign of 150 eco-friendly measures.